Since 2010-Mobile Notary Public Services for Languages (other than English) in Tampa Bay Florida
Mobile Certified Loan Signing Agent
National Notary Association (NNA)
National Notary Association (NNA) - Notary Signing Agent (NSA) - Certified and Trained
Certification and Training is Achieved by completing the National Notary Association (NNA); Notary Signing Agent (NSA) training, and passing both the NNA NSA Certification Exam and Background Screening.
I am a Commissioned Notary in the State Of Florida and a National Notary Association (NNA) Certified Notary Signing Agent = Certified Notary Signing Agent (NSA) in the State of Florida.
So What is a Notary Signing Agent (NSA)?
A Notary Signing Agent (NSA) is a Notary who is specially trained to handle and notarize loan documents. For lenders, Notary Signing Agents are the critical final link to complete the loan. A Notary Signing Agent is hired as an independent contractor to ensure that real estate loan documents are executed by the borrower, notarized, and returned for processing on time. Completing this critical part of the loan process enables the loan to be funded.
Notary Signing Agents (NSAs), are an essential part of mortgage and loan closings, ensuring the validity of the documents being signed as well as the people signing them.
When lending companies close on a mortgage, they will usually hire a Notary Signing Agent to make sure that the loan is carried out properly and all the necessary documents are in order.
Title companies and signing services hire NSAs to deliver loan documents to borrowers, oversee the signing and return the documents.
The American Signing Agents Association Inc defines the signing agent as, "A signing agent is a trusted professional, usually a state-commissioned notary public that performs the closing ceremony for real estate transactions, mortgage loan transactions, legal process transactions and other similar transactions where an independent third party is requested. A signing agent should ensure that they are disinterested in the transaction and have a mutual obligation to all parties to remain objective, neutral to any position, ensure awareness of document contents by affiant and make a reasonable effort to prevent fraud and protect affiants from coercion.”
A signing agent must remain impartial to the transaction and adhere to the notary laws of their state or jurisdiction. Signing agents are prohibited from giving legal advice or interpreting the meaning of any terms or documents.
Sample List of Common Documents in a Package may include:
Deed of Trust or Mortgage, Note, Truth in Lending Disclosure, Notice of Right of Rescission/Cancel, URLA – Form 1003, Compliance Agreement, Refinance Affidavit, Affidavit of Marital Status, Survey Affidavit, Signature Affidavit, Same Name Affidavit, Occupancy Affidavit,
Limited Power of Attorney, Riders of various types, Payment Letter to Borrower, Form 4506T (One for each borrower), Patriot Act, Identification Form, FHA/VA Loan Application, Addendum.
Please note that not all of the above-referenced documents require notarization. Some documents only require that the borrower either initial the document or sign it.
What Notary Signing Agents Can Do:
Verify the identity of the person signing the loan.
Ensure that all documents are in English and can be read and understood by the signer or can be sufficiently translated or explained to the signer by a third party.
Make sure that all documents are signed and initialed in all the necessary places.
Notarize the document.
Make sure the notarized documents are returned to the mortgage company or proper organization.
What Notary Signing Agents Can Not Do:
Offer advice about the loan.
Give the signer(s) an opinion on any of the information contained in the documents to be signed.
Notarize a signing for which they have a vested financial interest (other than the payment received for performing the duty).
Notarize their own signature.